January 12, 2024

Sheriff’s Report

The Brown County Sheriff’s Office reports the following activity:


Unless stated, no injuries were reported and damage to the vehicle was over $1500.00.

Zach T. Dean, Knoxville; Struck a deer on IL 99.

Sean A Holler, Mt. Sterling was stopped on US 24 at the Crossing Church intersection and was struck in the rear by a vehicle operated by a juvenile from Mt. Sterling who failed to stop due to the weather conditions.

Bobby B. Patel, Jacksonville; was traveling on 870N @ IL 99, left the roadway due to the weather conditions and damaged a fence and several posts.



Noel TJ McLin, Bolton: Speeding, 80/55 MPH Zone.

Hope E. Herman, Meredosia: Improper Use of an Electronic Device.

Douglas Ichich, Louisville KY: No valid driver’s license.

Hannah A. Nelson, Jacksonville: Speeding 75/55 MPH Zone.


As a reminder, when entering the courthouse, the following items are not allowed and must be left in your vehicle: Knives, tools of any kind or firearms.

If you are entering for court business, cellphones, cameras, and all other recording devices are not permitted in the courtroom and must be returned to your vehicle.


Brown County Sheriff’s Department Office can be contacted by e-mail [email protected]


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Sheriff’s Report

Sheriff’s Report